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Why does this equivalent program not compile?

This program:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}

import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive

unsafeModify :: [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())] -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
unsafeModify mods vec = runST $ do
    mvec <- V.unsafeThaw vec
    (mods !! 0) mvec
    V.unsafeFreeze mvec

Compiles. This program:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}

import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive

unsafeModify :: [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())] -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
unsafeModify mods vec = runST $ do
    mvec <- V.unsafeThaw vec
    ($ mvec) (mods !! 0)
    V.unsafeFreeze mvec

Does not compile with the following error:

    Couldn't match type ‘forall s1. UV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()’
                  with ‘UV.MVector s Int -> ST s a0’
    Expected type: [UV.MVector s Int -> ST s a0]
      Actual type: [forall s. UV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]
    Relevant bindings include
      mvec :: UV.MVector s Int (bound at Muts.hs:9:5)
    In the first argument of ‘(!!)’, namely ‘mods’
    In the first argument of ‘$ mvec’, namely ‘(mods !! 0)’



  • Note: This post is written in literate Haskell. You can save it as Unsafe.lhs and try it in your GHCi.

    Let's compare the types of the different lines:

     mods                ::     [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())]
    (mods !! 0)          ::      (forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())
    (mods !! 0)  mvec    ::       forall s. ST s ()
    ($ mvec)             ::     (MV.Vector s Int -> b) -> b
             (mods !! 0) ::     (forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())
    ($ mvec) (mods !! 0) ::     ????????????????????????

    They aren't equivalent due to $'s type:

    ($) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b

    Whereas you would need something along

    ($)  :: (a ~ (forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())) =>
          (a -> b) -> a -> b

    which isn't legal.

    However, let's have a look at what you actually want to do.

    > {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
    > import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
    > import qualified Data.Vector as V
    > import Control.Monad.ST
    > import Control.Monad.Primitive
      unsafeModify :: ??? -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
    > unsafeModify mods vec = runST $ do
    >   mvec <- V.unsafeThaw vec
    >   mapM_ ($ mvec) (mods !! 0)
    >   V.unsafeFreeze mvec

    Things got messy due to unsafeModify's polymorphic first argument mods. Your original type

    [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())]

    tells us it is a list of functions, where every function is polymorphic the parameter s, so every function could use another s. However, that's too much. It's fine if the s gets shared throuhgout the whole list:

    (forall s. [MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()])

    After all, we want to use all functions in the same ST computation, therefore the type of the stream state token s can be the same. We end up with

    > unsafeModify :: (forall s. [MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]) -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int

    And now your code happily compiles, regardless of whether you use ($ mvec) (mods !! 0), (mods !! 0) mvec or mapM_, because s is now correctly fixed by runST throughout the whole list.