Is there an easier way to display "No records found" in an empty webgrid? Below is the code I have that works for me. However, I do not want to have to create HTML table in the else block for other tabs.
@if (Page.Tab == "DisplayGrid")
if (Page.IncompleteCount > 0)
var grid = new WebGrid(Page.DisplayData, rowsPerPage: 10, defaultSort: "UserName", canSort: true);
@grid.Pager(mode: WebGridPagerModes.All, previousText: "previous", nextText: "next", numericLinksCount: 20)
@grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column("UserName", "User"),
grid.Column("Column1", "Column 1", format: @<div><a href="@Href("~/thispage/", item.UserId)" target="_blank">@item.UserId</a></div>),
grid.Column("Column2", "Column 2", format: @<div class="w400">@HH.TruncateString(@item.Column2, 125)</div>),
grid.Column("Column3", "Column 3", format: @<div class="w200"> @HH.FmtDate(@item.Column3)</div>)),
tableStyle: "simple", headerStyle: "hdr", rowStyle: "odd", alternatingRowStyle: "even", mode: WebGridPagerModes.All, previousText: "previous", nextText: "next", numericLinksCount: 20)
<tr bgcolor ="#336699">
<td width="150">
<font color="white"><b><u>User</u></b></font>
<td width="100">
<font color="white"><b>Column 1</b></font>
<td width="300">
<font color="white"><b>Column 2</b></font>
<td width="100">
<font color="white"><b>Column 3</b></font>
<td colspan="4" align="center">
<br />
<b>No User Records Found</b>
<br />
Webgrid for other tabs have different columns and # of columns. It is tedious to make sure I have the correct colspan # so that the message of "No records found" is displayed properly (center aligned). Any easier way to do this? Thanks.
Here's how I figured it out. Thanks to Pluto for suggesting the grid.Table method:
var grid = new WebGrid(Page.DisplayData, rowsPerPage: 10, defaultSort: "UserName", canSort: true);
var tfooter = (Page.IncompleteCount > 0 ? Page.IncompleteCount : "No") + " User Record" + (Page.IncompleteCount == 1 ? Page.IncompleteCount : "s") + " Found";
@grid.Pager(mode: WebGridPagerModes.All, previousText: "previous", nextText: "next", numericLinksCount: 20)
@grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column("UserName", "User"),
grid.Column("Column1", "Column 1", format: @<div><a href="@Href("~/thispage/", item.UserId)" target="_blank">@item.UserId</a></div>),
grid.Column("Column2", "Column 2", format: @<div class="w400">@HH.TruncateString(@item.Column2, 125)</div>),
grid.Column("Column3", "Column 3", format: @<div class="w200"> @HH.FmtDate(@item.Column3)</div>)),
tableStyle: "simple", headerStyle: "hdr", rowStyle: "odd", alternatingRowStyle: "even", footer: @<div><b>@tfooter</b></div>)
I couldn't use mode, previousText and nextText attributes in the grid.Table method. I found a reference on how to add paging to this method and I'm working on it.