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Apache Felix File Install jar from deploy folder

I am trying to use Apache Felix File Install with an embedded version of Felix. The basic idea is simple, I have a jar application file that can be launched using standard java -jar app.jar and the application will startup Apache Felix framework and then look in a hot deploy folder installing, updating and removing the OSGi bundles that are in/placed/updated/removed from that folder at runtime.

I currently have managed to create the ability to startup the embedded Felix and I can deploy bundles if I specify them via BundleContext.installBundle() but I cant get the jar bundles to be dynamically harvested from the hot folder.

This is what I currently have:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    System.setProperty("felix.fileinstall.noInitialDelay", "true");
    System.setProperty("felix.fileinstall.poll", "1000");
    System.setProperty("felix.fileinstall.dir", "./hot-deploy");

    System.out.println("Building OSGi Framework");

    FrameworkFactory frameworkFactory = ServiceLoader.load(FrameworkFactory.class).iterator().next();
    Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>();

    // make sure the cache is cleaned

    // more properties available at:
    config.put("ds.showtrace", "true");
    config.put("ds.showerrors", "true");

    Framework framework = frameworkFactory.newFramework(config);

    // declarative services dependency is necessary, otherwise they won't be picked up!

    BundleContext context = framework.getBundleContext();
    List<Bundle> installedBundles = new LinkedList<>();


    for (Bundle bundle : installedBundles) {
        if (bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.FRAGMENT_HOST) == null) {

    try {
    } finally {


private static void loadScrBundle(Framework framework) throws URISyntaxException, BundleException {
    URL url = Activator.class.getClassLoader().getResource("org/apache/felix/scr/ScrService.class");
    if (url == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the class org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService");
    String jarPath = url.toURI().getSchemeSpecificPart().replaceAll("!.*", "");
    System.out.println("Found declarative services implementation: " + jarPath);


  • Turns out that felix.fileinstall itself is a bundle that must be started in the host application before it can watch a directory. All that is required from my initial implementation to work is to install and start the fileinstall bundle:
