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Cleaning up after a Scotty application is terminated

I have a Scotty application that listens on a Unix socket. I’d like the application to delete the socket when it exits (i.e. when I type Ctrl-C), but I’m not sure how to accomplish this. My main function looks like

main = do
    sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
    bind sock $ SockAddrUnix "/tmp/my_app.sock"
    listen sock maxListenQueue

    scottySocket def sock $ do

    removeFile "/tmp/my_app.sock"

When I type Ctrl-C the removeFile function is not called—that seems to be an interrupt that the Scotty framework does not or cannot catch. Is there any way to perform cleanup actions like this?


  • The simplest principled way probably is using bracket from Control.Exception:

    main = bracket acquireSock cleanupSock $ \(sock, _) -> do
        listen sock maxListenQueue
        scottySocket def sock $ do
        -- Acquiring the resource.
        acquireSock = do
            sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
            let sockPath = "/tmp/my_app.sock"
            bind sock $ SockAddrUnix sockPath
            return (sock, sockPath)
        -- Releasing the resource.
        cleanupSock (sock, sockPath) = do
            removeFile sockPath
            close sock