I have a Scotty application that listens on a Unix socket. I’d like the application to delete the socket when it exits (i.e. when I type Ctrl-C), but I’m not sure how to accomplish this. My main
function looks like
main = do
sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
bind sock $ SockAddrUnix "/tmp/my_app.sock"
listen sock maxListenQueue
scottySocket def sock $ do
removeFile "/tmp/my_app.sock"
When I type Ctrl-C the removeFile
function is not called—that seems to be an interrupt that the Scotty framework does not or cannot catch. Is there any way to perform cleanup actions like this?
The simplest principled way probably is using bracket
from Control.Exception
main = bracket acquireSock cleanupSock $ \(sock, _) -> do
listen sock maxListenQueue
scottySocket def sock $ do
-- Acquiring the resource.
acquireSock = do
sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
let sockPath = "/tmp/my_app.sock"
bind sock $ SockAddrUnix sockPath
return (sock, sockPath)
-- Releasing the resource.
cleanupSock (sock, sockPath) = do
removeFile sockPath
close sock