Is it possible to make a inetOrgPerson a member of a posixgroup rather than added a manual entry inside of cn, im using php and ldap but i seem to come across this:
Modify: Object class violation
$ldap = ldap_connect("localhost") or die("Unable to connect to server.");
$dn = "cn=admin,dc=*******,dc=com";
ldap_bind($ldap,$dn,"*****") or die("Unable to connect to server..");
$dn = "cn=********,cn=*********,cn=*********,ou=A*******,dc=********,dc=com";
$entry["cn"] = "MerPaul";
$entry["objectClass"] = "inetOrgPerson";
what am i doing wrong?
And objectClass in LDAP has optional and mandatory fields. inetOrgPerson is no exception.
The required fields of inetOrgPerson are sn
and cn
$entry["cn"] = "MerPaul";
$entry["sn"] = "Joe"
$entry["objectClass"] = "inetOrgPerson";