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JMSSerializer and inheritance Class

I have got a problem with JMS Serializer and inheritance class. When I serialize my entities it doesn't take care of JMSSerializer Annotation because of inheritance class... So How could I set JMSSerializer Annocation with class inheritance ?

Example :

 * Class Category
 * @Serializer\ExclusionPolicy("all")
class Category extends BaseCategory
     * @var integer $id
     * @Serializer\Expose
    protected $id;

 * Class BaseCategory
class BaseCategory
     * @var Dish
    protected $dishs;

     * @var string
    protected $name;

When I serialize Category, the json returned looks like :[{"dishs":[{"name":"Salade","id":5}],"name":"...","id":1}]. The ExclusionPolicy annotation is not applied.

Do you have any ideas why ? If I set all fields in the same entity, it works good, but it breaks all my template ...



  • You inherit from BaseCategory - you cannot expect this to work. Set your ExclusionPolicy in your base class - in this case your extended class will inherit from BaseCategory.