In my ProjectTemplate I would like to set the default Identifier property to something different then 'com.companyname'.
I looked online but couldn't find any documentation on how to do this. Is it even possible? Here is the TemplateConfiguration from my .xpt file.
<_Name>Test Xamarin.Forms App</_Name>
<Image file = "Resources/test-image.png" />
<_Description><![CDATA[Creates Xamarin.Forms Project using a Shared Project or Portable Class Library Project for code sharing.]]></_Description>
This is not currently possible using the Xamarin.Forms.ProjectTemplateWizard. The Identifier is com.companyname by default unless the author information is filled in (Preferences - Environment - Author Information). The Xamarin.Forms.ProjectTemplateWizard would need to be changed to support this.
The only way to do this would be to implement your own wizard page.