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How to sort custom ArrayList based on a float field

We use Comparable interface to sort the ArrayList but How do i modify the CompareTo function of the Comparable interface to sort the arraylist based on float field as the function returns int.

I was trying to sort the movies data by their user-rating(float data type) . Below is my class which i created to hold the different values obtained via Json feed from a network call.

 * Created by anant on 2015-08-19.
public class MoviesDetail implements Parcelable, Comparable<MoviesDetail> {

   private String jsf_original_title;
   private String jsf_poster;
   private String jsf_plot_synopsis;
   private float jsf_user_rating;
   private String jsf_release_date;
   private String jsf_results;
   private int jsf_id;

   public MoviesDetail() {


   private MoviesDetail(Parcel p) {
      jsf_original_title = p.readString();
      jsf_poster = p.readString();
      jsf_plot_synopsis = p.readString();
      jsf_user_rating = p.readFloat();
      jsf_release_date = p.readString();
      jsf_results = p.readString();
      jsf_id = p.readInt();


   public String getJsf_original_title() {
      return jsf_original_title;

   public String getJsf_poster() {
      return jsf_poster;

   public String getJsf_plot_synopsis() {
      return jsf_plot_synopsis;

   public float getJsf_user_rating() {
      return jsf_user_rating;

   public String getJsf_release_date() {
      return jsf_release_date;

   public String getJsf_results() {
      return jsf_results;

   public int getJsf_id() {
      return jsf_id;

   public void setJsf_original_title(String jsf_original_title) {
      this.jsf_original_title = jsf_original_title;

   public void setJsf_poster(String jsf_poster) {
      this.jsf_poster = jsf_poster;

   public void setJsf_plot_synopsis(String jsf_plot_synopsis) {
      this.jsf_plot_synopsis = jsf_plot_synopsis;

   public void setJsf_user_rating(float jsf_user_rating) {
      this.jsf_user_rating = jsf_user_rating;

   public void setJsf_release_date(String jsf_release_date) {
      this.jsf_release_date = jsf_release_date;

   public void setJsf_results(String jsf_results) {
      this.jsf_results = jsf_results;

   public void setJsf_id(int jsf_id) {
      this.jsf_id = jsf_id;

   public int describeContents() {
      return 0;

   public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {



   public final Parcelable.Creator<MoviesDetail> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<MoviesDetail>() {

       * Create a new instance of the Parcelable class, instantiating it
       * from the given Parcel whose data had previously been written by
       * {@link Parcelable#writeToParcel Parcelable.writeToParcel()}.
       * @param source The Parcel to read the object's data from.
       * @return Returns a new instance of the Parcelable class.
      public MoviesDetail createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
         return new MoviesDetail(source);


       * Create a new array of the Parcelable class.
       * @param size Size of the array.
       * @return Returns an array of the Parcelable class, with every entry
       * initialized to null.
      public MoviesDetail[] newArray(int size) {
         return new MoviesDetail[0];

   public int compareTo(MoviesDetail aMovie) {

      int i = (int) aMovie.getJsf_user_rating();
      return getJsf_user_rating().compareTo(i);


  • Thanks Salivan!! Also i was trying to do the below seems it did work out. Let me know if any additional comments on the below

    public int compareTo(MoviesDetail aMovie) {
       // int i = (int)another.getJsf_user_rating();
            return -1;
        else if(aMovie.getJsf_user_rating()==this.getJsf_user_rating()){
            return 0;
            return 1;