There is some changes in node.js 0.12.x related to events module. This changes makes my code that extends EventEmitter class non-workable. Here is code that works fine in node.js v0.10.35: teh_emitter.js:
var EventEmitter = require('events');
var util = require('util');
util.inherits(TehEmitter, EventEmitter);
function TehEmitter(){;
TehEmitter.prototype.on('start', function (fCallback) {
module.exports = TehEmitter;
var TehEmitter = require('./teh_emitter');
describe('EventEmitter tests', function(){
describe('#emit() function', function(){
it('should fire start event', function(fCallback){
var oEmitter = new TehEmitter(fCallback);
oEmitter.emit('start', fCallback);
But on node.js v0.12.7 it says: 0 passing (2s) 1 failing
1) EventEmitter tests #emit() function should fire start event:
Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
I know that in 0.12.x one should assign:
var EventEmitter = require('events');
(though require('events').EventEmitter;
should still work for backwards compatability).
But it doesn't helps.
How am I gonna fix this problem?
This was changed in 2c6b424 because of a bug involving event handlers bleeding into all other instances of the same object/"class" (see 7157).
Probably your best bet for compatibility is to just add the event handler in the constructor:
function TehEmitter(){;
this.on('start', onStart);
function onStart(fCallback) {