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Powershell to SQL database

My initial post was how to pass data directly from the pipeline to a (remote) SQL database. Writing to a CSV then a database did not work for the amount of data I am working with - over 2 million files I am querying.

Below is the final script I came up with. It scans a file server, filters in the pipeline, creates a PSObject with the file attributes and then stores the attributes of the Object to variables. Those variables are then passed to the SQL query string. It's a bit cumbersome, but I could not see another way to get the file attributes read directly into the query string.

I also needed a way to run this remotely.


  • $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    $cutOffDate = (Get-Date).addYears(-1)
    $exclusions = @(".lnk",".url",".ini",".odc",".ctx",".upd",".ica")
    $connectionString = "Server=db01;Database=Files;Integrated Security=True;"
    $count = 0
    $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
    gci "D:\USERS" -Recurse | ? { 
      $_.PSIsContainer -eq $False -and
      $_.LastAccessTime -le $cutOffDate -and
      $exclusions -notcontains $_.Extension -and
      $_.length -gt "0" -and
      $_.Directory -notmatch ".*USERS\\.*\\Personal\\sysdata\\cookies"
    } | % {
      $obj = New-Object PSObject
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Directory $_.DirectoryName
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $_.Name
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty MB ("{0:N3}" -f ($_.Length/1MB))
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty LastAccessed $_.LastAccessTime
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty LastMofified $_.LastWriteTime
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Created $_.creationtime
      $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Extension $_.Extension
      $v1 = $obj.Directory
      $v2 = $obj.Name
      $v3 = $obj.MB
      $v4 = $obj.LastAccessed
      $v5 = $obj.LastMofified
      $v6 = $obj.Created
      $v7 = $obj.Extension
    $query = "INSERT INTO dbo.fs01 (directoryPath,fName,fileSize,lastAccessed,lastModified,createdDate,extension) VALUES ('$v1','$v2','$v3','$v4','$v5','$v6','$v7');"
    $command = $connection.CreateCommand()
    $command.CommandText = $query