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Convert grc file to shp file using category names

I am facing with the problem of having a set of .grc files having just one band. However, this file contains several categories that belong, in the end, to different portion of the image (I guess).

When I generate the shape file out of this (or directly a PostGIS geometry), all these categories get merged into a single file having the separated regions but DN 1, DN 2, DN 3 .. as names for them. I would like to preserve the category names in the shape file.

This command generates currently the shape files: coverage.grc -f "ESRI Shapefile" output.shp

Are my assumptions correct? How can I do that?


  • I managed to solve this by creating a custom script in Python:

    catnames = rasterband.GetCategoryNames()
    memdriver = ogr.GetDriverByName( 'Memory' )
    dst_ds = memdriver.CreateDataSource( "out" )
    # create a layer with a DN field that will contain the index of 
    # each category automatically
    dst_layer = dst_ds.CreateLayer("out", srs = None )
    fd = ogr.FieldDefn( 'DN', ogr.OFTInteger )
    gdal.Polygonize( rasterband, None, dst_layer, 0)
    # extract features map
    featmap = {}
    for feature in dst_layer:
        # use the field defined above, create a mapping between
        # index -> feature name
        featname = feature.GetField("DN")
        if featname not in featmap.keys():
            featmap[featname] = [feature]

    From this point on, dst_layer contains the vector shape that can be easily saved to shape using:

    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
    shapeData = driver.CreateDataSource(args.output_folder) #so there we will store our data
    for featidx, features in featmap.iteritems():
        featname = catnames[featidx]
        layer = shapeData.CreateLayer(featname, spatialReference, ogr.wkbPolygon)
    for feature in features:
    shapeData.Destroy() #lets close the shapefile

    This will create a .shp file for each feature name (category). Of course, this can be tuned to create one single file but this is out of the scope of my question.