I ran the following query in memsql and mysql but the time taken by it is quite different.
select count(*) from po A , cu B , tsk C where A.customer_id = B.customer_id and B.taskid = C.id and A.domain = 5 and week(B.post_date) = 22;
| count(*) |
| 98952 |
1 row in set (19.89 sec)
select count(*) from po A , cu B , tsk C where A.customer_id = B.customer_id and B.taskid = C.id and A.domain = 5 and week(B.post_date) = 22;
| count(*) |
| 98952 |
1 row in set (0.50 sec)
Why Does memsql perform so badly while mysql is so fast?
Both mysql and memsql are on the same 8GB , quad core machine. memsql has 1 master Aggregator node and 3 leaf nodes.
Does memsql perform badly if there are joins?
From the Doc it is clear that the table should have a shard key on columns which are expected to join on often. This allows the optimizer to minimize network traffic during the execution of the query.
So i think here i went wrong. Instead of having a shard key i had added a simple primary key on the tables.
Have you tried running the query in MemSQL a second time? MemSQL compiles and caches the query execution code the first time it sees a query - MemSQL calls it code generation.
When you run the query again, you should see a considerable performance speedup.