Since Ruby supports parallel assignments and automatic value return from functions, almost every assignment and method run ends up creating an output when working on REPLs like IRB and Pry.
Normally I prevent this echo effect by putting a semicolon at the end of each line. For instance:
This normally prevents REPL echo. But when working with very large enumerables even one mistake can generate enough output to make a mess on the screen and put all my useful command history out of memory before I have the reflex to hit the break.
Is there a way to turn this echo effect off by default in Pry? As mentioned in the comments below (@Stefan), the same can be achieved in IRB by setting conf.echo = false
In IRB there is:
conf.echo = false
In Pry you could replace the print object with an empty proc:
_pry_.config.print = proc {}
You'll have to store the old print object in order to restore it.
In both cases, the result of the last expression is still available via _