Is there any msscript control in 64 bit? I google a bit and all say no 64-bit yet
The reason that I need 64bit msscript.ocx is that I want to compile delphi projects in 64-bit using XE3.
It compiles OK in XE3 and I have obtained a 64-bit exe but when it executes to the following line,
script := TScriptControl.Create(nil);
It gives me a 'Class Not Registered' error. I only found msscript.ocx under C:\windows\SysWOW64 but there is no such file under System32 folder.
I really want this to work so any quick replacement for this?
This is an old post. but I just found a very good alternative to 64-bit MSScript Control (Microsoft does not have 64-bit msscript.ocx)
and I have changed only a few lines of code in my application and it works in 64-bit based on this ScriptControl64.