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jQuery - calculations of values in the multiple inputs

I have basic order form, i would like to sum values form all inputs . But when I add items program adds the values to a string insted summarizing them (totalUnits).

Working jsfiddle:

and the part of a code to bring your attention to a right place

function CalculateTotal(){
var total = 0;
for(i = 0; i< orders.length; i++){
    total = total + orders[i].packTotal;

if(total > 0){
    var counter = 0;  
    if($(this).val() != "" && $(this).val() != 0) counter++;

    var totalUnits = 0; 
        packUnit = $(this).val();
        totalUnits = totalUnits + packUnit;

    $("#order_total").html('Ordered Products:' + counter + '<br>' + 'Total Items:' + totalUnits + '<br>' + 'Order Subtotal: ' + total);
if(total == 0){
    $("#order_total").html('Your shopping basket is empty');

Thanks a lot for you help.


  • You have to use parseInt() to convert strings into integers

    Use parseInt when you get inputs values :

    var packPrice = parseInt($('#pack' + curId + '-price').val());
    var packUnit = parseInt($(this).val());

    And in your calculateTotal() function also :

        packUnit = parseInt($(this).val());
        totalUnits = totalUnits + packUnit;
