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Not null terminated string false alarm?

Klocwork is producing an alarm which seems to be a false one. The bug it mentions describes about 80% of the total bugs in our code. Please advise,

Hereby is a snip set (paraphrase):-

//a snip set
// no bug here //

  char*     destStr;
  destStr = (char*)malloc(150);
  if (destStr != NULL) {
    destStr[0]= '\0';  //__here is the difference__ 
    char * myStr = malloc(200) ; 
    if (myStr != NULL) {
      strcpy(myStr , destStr) ; 
  free (destStr);
  destStr = NULL; 

//__whereas a bug here__ !

  char* destStr;
  destStr = (char*) malloc(150);
  if (destStr != NULL) {
    destStr[0]= '\0'; // __here is the difference__ 
  else {
    printf("hello world \n");
  if (destStr != NULL) {
    char * myStr = malloc(200); 
    if (myStr != NULL) {
      strcpy(myStr , destStr);   // __NNTS (not NULL terminated string) –  Buffer overflow of 'myStr' due to non null terminated string 'destStr'.__ 
    free (myStr);
  free (destStr);
  destStr = NULL; 
//end of snip set


  • What version of Klocwork's products are you using? I just tried analyzing the code sample as provided and got nothing reported. Adding an intentional NPD into the code did cause a report, just to prove I was actually running the tool ;p Suggest if you're not running something reasonably recent that you try upgrading (Insight 9.1 is the most recent released product set).

    Regards, Gwyn Fisher CTO and VP R&D Klocwork, Inc