I am trying to sign an app using the manual method found here http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html#signing-manually
Our previous external developers have sent me three keystore files that I need for this (not sure why they would require three??). When going through the process of trying to sign my app I am prompted with a keystore password which I do not know (I'm trying to get this from them).
Is it possible for me to change this myself? I have the three keystore files but I'm not sure if this would have an effect as the app has already been signed and released to the store and I want to update the app rather than release a whole new one.
I know this question has been asked before I just wasn't sure if those answers directly applied to me as my app is already in the Google Play store and published
i have few suggestion for you.
now in case you have password then first get last live APK. generate sign keys(sha-1 & MD5) from that APK file check answer here how to generate keys from APK.
then after get sha-1 & MD5 from all 3 key-store and match with APK's sha-1 & MD5. they are match then you are able to know which key-store are used for sign APK(which is currently on Google play)
use that key-store to generate new APK :)