I am implementing app that is going to be always running and connected to server.
So the tablet has nothing to do other than running this app, and checking the server all the time for updates to show on the screen.
What can be the best practice to keep the app always running and connected?
In my experience, i have 2 options to solve this problem:
My questions are:
thank you
Well for
Service v/s Thread
is concern the use service in which you should spawn worker threads which will perfrom the networking task these threads will notify the main service thread when they are done for that you need to user Handlers in android
i will favor service over thread because if you close the activity network request will still be fulfilled once request is complete save it in some storage form(database/share pref/content provider) and retrieve it from them. Once you are done dont for get to destroy the service by all stopSelf a appropriate point or else the service will keep exhausting you phone resource. which will make you app a bad citizen.
A simple implementation of the about pattern i mentioned is IntentService which will automatically spawn the worker thread i.e you just have to override handleIntent method and do all the heavily lifting there which will not be on main thread. And IntentService kills it self when if finds itself doing nothings The question which you have asked to my understanding is related to syncing with server you can find more about in from android docs http://developer.android.com/training/building-connectivity.html