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For Symfony Validator Component is it possible to force validation to fail from a class that implements EventSubscriberInterface

I have the following code;

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            $this->getOptionsForUrlWidget('Website URL')
            )->addEventSubscriber(new GetResolvedUrlListener())

My method GetResolvedUrlListener does a curl request to discover the correct protocol and final address (following redirects) to determine the correct url.

I would like it to cause validation to fail if the curl request does not receive a successful HTTP response. So if the supplied url is not reachable, it should not save.

Can this be done in a class that implements the EventSubscriberInterface? Should I rather add a new constraint and validate the supplied url twice?


  • You should add a constraint, but you don't necessarily have to validate it twice, you could create a central service that resolves these urls but also keeps them for itself in two $validUrls and $invalidUrls properties, you can then use this service in both your event listener and in your validation constraint, the service can look something like this:

    class UrlValidator{
        protected $validUrls = array();
        protected $invalidUrls = array();
        public function resolve($url){
            // we have validated this url before, and it wasn't valid
                return false;
            // we have validated this url before, so we can return true or the resolved value
                return $this->validUrls[$url];
            // do the curl request, and set $this->validUrls[$urls] or $this->invalidUrls[$url] accordingly