I am trying to write a node.js app that works with neo4j, using the node-neo4j
module. I am trying to submit a query from nodejs
and found it wasn't working, so I tried submitting it from the neo4j browser console
, in order to more easily root cause my typo, and found that it worked properly there. Any ideas as to what is going on?
The query:
Match (a:Paper { uid:26327110, citation:"Seitz A. \"Moving beyond a binary view of specificity in perceptual learning.\" Journal of vision. 15 12 (2015 Sep 1): 1422.", date:"2015 Sep 1"}) return a
In this situation, it turns out I was just an idiot - the error occurred because I created a new database with a new password and forgot to adjust my node server's authentication. If you ever have a similar issue and see the following error in your node console: [Error: HTTP Error 401 when running the cypher query against neo4j. undefined: undefined]
then you too, have a case of the idiot. As Kunal suggested in the comments to the original question, check your authentication.