I'm trying to understand why omnibug sometimes show load events as click events. When I first type in the URL all tags are listed as click events. If I reload the same page all the tags are shown as load events? Why the difference? I see this from time to time with omnibug, does anyone know what is actually defined as click events vs load events. Sometimes a load instead of a click can be a big issue, but Omnibug doesn't seem very reliable in this regard...
There is a known/reported bug in omnibug relevant to this. I heard through the grapevine it has to do with how the browser pre-fetches and/or caches requests. This also happens with Google/Universal Analytics entries.
For Adobe Analytics (Omniture), you can ensure it really is a click event (s.tl
call) by expanding the row and looking for the following two items(should both be present):
Link type: This represents the 2nd argument to s.tl()
, and is the pe=
query param in the request URL. It should have one of these 3 values: "lnk_o","lnk_e", or "lnk_d".
Link name: This represents the 3rd argument to s.tl()
, and is the pev2=
query param in the request URL.
If these two things are not present, then it will be recorded as a page view request (s.t()
) in Adobe Analytics (Omniture).