I've created my search and I'm trying to add conditionals for when certain parameters aren't provided.
This is what it looks like:
@search = Availability.search(params)
# Scopes for search filters
scope :close_to, -> (venues) {where{facility.venue_id.in venues}}
scope :activity, -> (activity) {where{facility.activities.id == activity}}
scope :start_date, -> (datetime) {where{start_time >= datetime}}
scope :end_date, -> (datetime) {where{end_time <= datetime}}
scope :not_booked, -> {where(booking: nil)}
scope :ordered, -> {order{start_time.desc}}
scope :join, -> {joins{facility.activities}}
# Main search function
def self.search params
# Check if date is nil
def self.date_check date
date.to_datetime if date
search = {
venues: Venue.close_to(params[:geolocation]),
activity: params[:activity].to_i,
start_date: date_check(params[:start_time]) || DateTime.now,
end_date: date_check(params[:end_time]) || 1.week.from_now
result = self.join.not_booked
result = result.close_to(search[:venues])
result = result.activity(search[:activity])
result = result.start_date(search[:start_date])
result = result.end_date(search[:end_date])
# Scope venues near geolocation
scope :close_to, -> (coordinates) {near(get_location(coordinates), 20, units: :km, order: '').pluck(:id)}
# If given coordinates, parse them otherwise generate them
def self.get_location coordinates=nil
if coordinates
JSON.parse coordinates
location = request.location
[location.latitude, location.longitude]
Everything works great except when I don't provide params[:geolocation]
I'd like to be able to return Availabilities which are in proximity to the user if the user doesn't enter the name of a city for example.
My url looks like this: localhost:3000/s?activity=1
From there, in the Venues model, I want to return Venues that are close to the users location.
I've been looking at Geocoder and using request.location
but that doesn't work at the model level. Any suggestions?
I also considered adding the IP address to the url dynamically but if I did that, if a url was shared, it would return incorrect results.
You'll need to be passing in the location from the controller to the model. Models do not have access to the request
, because they are designed to be accessed in more than just the request cycle.
You should pass it to your search
method as another argument.