I would like any advice on how to create and visualize a link map between blogs so to reflect the "social network" between them.
Here is how I am thinking of doing it:
I imagine that in order to do this in R, one would use RCurl/XML (Thanks Shane for your answer here), combined with something like igraph
But since I don't have experience with either of them, is there someone here that might be willing to correct me if I missed any important step, or attach any useful snippet of code to allow this task?
p.s: My motivation for this question is that in a week I am giving a talk on useR 2010 on "blogging and R", and I thought this might be a nice way to both give something fun to the audience and also motivate them to do something like this themselves.
Thanks a lot!
NB: This example is a very BASIC way of getting the links and therefore would need to be tweaked in order to be more robust. :)
I don't know how useful this code is, but hopefully it might give you an idea of the direction to go in (just copy and paste it into R, it's a self contained example once you've installed the packages RCurl and XML):
get.links.on.page <- function(u) {
doc <- getURL(u)
html <- htmlTreeParse(doc, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
nodes <- getNodeSet(html, "//html//body//a[@href]")
urls <- sapply(nodes, function(x) x <- xmlAttrs(x)[[1]])
urls <- sort(urls)
# a naieve way of doing it. Python has 'urlparse' which is suppose to be rather good at this
get.root.domain <- function(u) {
root <- unlist(strsplit(u, "/"))[3]
# a naieve method to filter out duplicated, invalid and self-referecing urls.
filter.links <- function(seed, urls) {
urls <- unique(urls)
urls <- urls[which(substr(urls, start = 1, stop = 1) == "h")]
urls <- urls[grep("http", urls, fixed = TRUE)]
seed.root <- get.root.domain(seed)
urls <- urls[-grep(seed.root, urls, fixed = TRUE)]
# pass each url to this function
main.fn <- function(seed) {
raw.urls <- get.links.on.page(seed)
filtered.urls <- filter.links(seed, raw.urls)
### example ###
seed <- "http://www.r-bloggers.com/blogs-list/"
urls <- main.fn(seed)
# crawl first 3 links and get urls for each, put in a list
x <- lapply(as.list(urls[1:3]), main.fn)
names(x) <- urls[1:3]
If you copy and paste it into R, and then look at x, I think it'll make sense.
Either way, good luck mate! Tony Breyal