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How do I return to mainline code from a signal handler in assembler?

I've been writing a program in NASM for Linux. I'd like to be able to return to the normal code path out of a signal handler that I've established for SIGFPE. Stripped-down sample code is:

section .text

global _start
_start:                  ; --- Enter the program ---
   mov      ebx,8        ; Load the signal to handle (SIGFPE)
   mov      ecx,.handle  ; Load the handler address
   mov      eax,48       ; Load the syscall number for signal
   int      0x80         ; Establish the handler
   mov      ebx,0        ; Prepare a divisor for SIGFPE
   idiv     ebx          ; Divide edx:eax by 0
   mov      ebx,0        ; Set exit status 0 (shouldn't get here)
   jmp      .exit        ; Exit the program

.handle:                 ; --- Handle a divide exception ---
   mov      ebx,31       ; Set exit status 31 (instead of real handling)

.exit:                   ; --- Exit the program ---
   mov      eax,1        ; Load the syscall number for exit
   int      0x80         ; Exit back to the system

Magic numbers are for compactness of code here.

Before the idiv instruction, esp is 0xffffcc00. At entry to the signal handler, esp is 0xffffc52c. Quite a bit of stuff has been put on the stack! There's a welter of information out there about __NR_sigreturn. I've had no luck trying to use it. A ret instruction in the handler just puts me back at the idiv instruction, this time with no handler.

Any ideas about what I can do at the .handle label to get back safely into the mainline?

(I know that sigaction is available, but I'd like to understand what's going on in this situation.)


  • A simple ret will return so as to reattempt the faulting instruction. When using sigaction to register the signal handler with the flag SA_SIGINFO, the third argument is a pointer to a ucontext_t that contains the saved state, which may be altered.