I have created a concern in controllers/concerns called reports.rb
In it I created the ClassMethods module.. It looks like this
module Reports
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
require 'peddler'
require 'csv'
module ClassMethods
def report_details(token, marketplace_id, merchant_id)
I included this concern in my Merchants controller like this:
class MerchantsController < ApplicationController
include Reports
And then tried to call the report_details method in an action on the Merchants controller like so:
def pull_from_amazon
me = Merchant.find(params[:merchant_id])
marketplace = me.marketplace
token = me.token
Merchant.report_details(token, marketplace, params[:merchant_id])
redirect_to root_path
According to this post Rich on Rails I should be able to call:
But I get a NoMethodError when I try.. I also tried:
And got the same NoMethodError
What did I do wrong?
Try this
But you should better include this concern in model.