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Unable to display Vincent sample maps; no suggested solutions work

This is the same question as each of these questions, but none of the suggested solutions are working for me.

I'm trying to make a US State map in Python with the Vincent package, as shown in this tutorial. I'm using the Canopy editor. When I run this code, nothing shows up in my console. There are no errors that appear.

  • I've placed us_states.topo.json in my Python working directory.
  • I updated Canopy and Vincent.
  • I'm using vincent.core.initialize_notebook() as well as vis.display() like some other users have suggested.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong....

import vincent


state_topo = 'us_states.topo.json'

geo_data = [{'name': 'states',
             'url': state_topo,
             'feature': 'us_states.geo'},

vis = vincent.Map(geo_data=geo_data, scale=1000, projection='albersUsa')


  • If I'm correct Canopy editor can't render Vincent output.

    You should use Vincent on the IPython/Jupyter notebook or just output the json to display it on a browser. The code on your example with some minor modifications is:

    import vincent
    state_topo = ""
    geo_data = [{'name': 'states',
                 'url': state_topo,
                 'feature': 'us_states.geo'}]
    vis = vincent.Map(geo_data = geo_data, scale = 500, projection = 'albersUsa')

    And the output in an IPython/Jupyter notebook can be seen in the image below:

    enter image description here

    BTW, it seems Vincent is not updated and it wouldn't be. So, have a look for alternatives (e.g., Bokeh) if you don't want to use obsolete software.