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Azure Storage Emulator 400 Bad Request

I'm suddenly getting the Bad Request (400) error when using the Azure Storage Emulator when trying to CreateIfNotExists. The Response on the Inner Exception says "The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format." All the tables exist, the data is in the tables, everything was working up until an update to my NuGet packages. Looking around SO it seems like a common cause is an update to Azure Storage Client Library (now at 5.0.0) that creates a mismatch. I updated the Azure SDK to 2.6 (since I have VS2012). This brings the Storage Emulator up to, but still no luck...same error. This is kind of a bad thing that suddenly an update to a package of a package of a package causes the whole thing to break and completely kills my rather large project. Any ideas?


  • I don't know if this is a problem for anyone else, but this is what I have figured out...

    • Storage Emulator is the one to use with Azure Storage Client Library 5.0.0
    • Storage Emulator comes with Azure SDK 2.7.
    • Azure SDK 2.7 will not work with Visual Studio 2012.
    • Azure SDK 2.6 for VS2012 has Emulator I don't know what Storage Client Library is compatible... I tried,, and 5.0.2, but had no luck


    My "philosophical" issues with this whole thing are...

    • I can find no discernible connection between Storage Emulator versions and Storage Client Library versions....The numbers don't "match"; there are no errors, dependencies, or exceptions that tell you the relationship; I can't find any look-up, cross-reference, or table that describes the proper combination of libraries.
    • The "just use the latest version" theory doesn't work because in the past they have released new versions of the Storage Client library ( w/o a working Emulator and now the "latest version" of each is separately dependent on which SDK is available for your build environment (VS2012 vs VS2015)

    I understand the Storage Client Library isn't technically "dependent" on the don't need the emulator to use Azure Storage. However, it would just be nice if some of these relationships were a little easier for a software oaf like me to figure out.