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Taylor Series Difference between exp(-x) and exp(+x)

I'm trying to write a program which calculates the Taylor series of exp(-x) and exp(x) up to 200 iterations, for large x. (exp(x)=1+x+x^2/2+...).

My program is really simple, and it seems like it should work perfectly. However it diverges for exp(-x), but converges just fine for exp(+x). Here is my code so far:

long double x = 100.0, sum = 1.0, last = 1.0;

for(int i = 1; i < 200; i++) {
        last *= x / i;    //multiply the last term in the series from the previous term by x/n
        sum += last; //add this new last term to the sum
cout << "exp(+x) = " << sum << endl;

x = -100.0; //redo but now letting x<0
sum = 1.0;
last = 1.0;

for(int i = 1; i < 200; i++) {
            last *= x / i;
            sum += last;
    cout << "exp(-x) = " << sum << endl;

And when I run it, I get the following output:

exp(+x) = 2.68811691354e+43 
exp(-x) = -8.42078025179e+24

When the actual values are:

exp(+x) = 2.68811714182e+43 
exp(-x) = 3.72007597602e-44

As you can see, it works just fine for the positive calculation, but not negative. Does anyone have any ideas on why rounding errors could go so wrong by just adding a negative on every other term? Also, is there anything I could implement to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance!!


  • I don't think this actually has anything to do with floating point approximation error, I think there is another more significant source of error.

    As you say yourself, your method is really simple. You are taking a taylor series approximation at x=0 to this function, and then evaluating it at x=-100.

    How accurate did you actually expect this method to be and why?

    At a high level, you should only expect your method to be accurate in a narrow region near x=0. Taylor's approximation theorem tells you that e.g. if you take N terms of the series around x=0, your approximation will be accurate to O(|x|)^(N+1) at least. So if you take 200 terms, you should be accurate to e.g. within 10^(-60) or so in the range [-0.5, 0.5]. But at x=100 Taylor's theorem only gives you a pretty terrible bound.

    Conceptually, you know that e^{-x} tends to zero as x goes to minus infinity. But your approximation function is a polynomial of a fixed degree, and any non-constant polynomial tends to either plus infinity or minus infinity asymptotically. So the relative error must be unbounded if you consider the whole range of possible values of x.

    So in short I think you should rethink your approach. One thing you might consider is, only use the Taylor series method for x values satisfying -0.5f <= x <= 0.5f. And for any x greater than 0.5f, you try dividing x by two and calling the function recursively, then squaring the result. Or something like this.

    For best results you should probably use an established method.


    I decided to write some code to see how well my idea actually works. It appears to match perfectly with the C library implementation across the range x = -10000 to x = 10000 at least to as many bits of precision as I am displaying. :)

    Note also that my method is accurate even for values of x greater than 100, where the Taylor Series method actually loses accuracy on the positive end as well.

    #include <cmath>
    #include <iostream>
    long double taylor_series(long double x)
        long double sum = 1.0, last = 1.0;
        for(int i = 1; i < 200; i++) {
                last *= x / i;    //multiply the last term in the series from the previous term by x/n
                sum += last; //add this new last term to the sum
        return sum;
    long double hybrid(long double x)
        long double temp;
        if (-0.5 <= x && x <= 0.5) {
            return taylor_series(x);
        } else {
            temp = hybrid(x / 2);
            return (temp * temp);
    long double true_value(long double x) {
        return expl(x);
    void output_samples(long double x) {
        std::cout << "x = " << x << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\ttaylor series = " << taylor_series(x) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\thybrid method = " << hybrid(x) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\tlibrary = " << true_value(x) << std::endl;
    int main() {


    $ ./main 
    x = -10000
        taylor series = -2.48647e+423
        hybrid method = 1.13548e-4343
        library = 1.13548e-4343
    x = -1000
        taylor series = -2.11476e+224
        hybrid method = 5.07596e-435
        library = 5.07596e-435
    x = -100
        taylor series = -8.49406e+24
        hybrid method = 3.72008e-44
        library = 3.72008e-44
    x = -10
        taylor series = 4.53999e-05
        hybrid method = 4.53999e-05
        library = 4.53999e-05
    x = -1
        taylor series = 0.367879
        hybrid method = 0.367879
        library = 0.367879
    x = -0.1
        taylor series = 0.904837
        hybrid method = 0.904837
        library = 0.904837
    x = 0
        taylor series = 1
        hybrid method = 1
        library = 1
    x = 0.1
        taylor series = 1.10517
        hybrid method = 1.10517
        library = 1.10517
    x = 1
        taylor series = 2.71828
        hybrid method = 2.71828
        library = 2.71828
    x = 10
        taylor series = 22026.5
        hybrid method = 22026.5
        library = 22026.5
    x = 100
        taylor series = 2.68812e+43
        hybrid method = 2.68812e+43
        library = 2.68812e+43
    x = 1000
        taylor series = 3.16501e+224
        hybrid method = 1.97007e+434
        library = 1.97007e+434
    x = 10000
        taylor series = 2.58744e+423
        hybrid method = 8.80682e+4342
        library = 8.80682e+4342


    For who is interested:

    There was some question raised in the comments about how significant the floating point errors are in the original program. My original assumption was that they were negligible -- I did a test to see if that's true or not. It turns out that's not true, and there is significant floating point error going on, but that even without the floating point errors there are significant errors being introduced just by the taylor series alone. The true value of the taylor series at 200 terms at x=-100 seems to be near to -10^{24}, not 10^{-44}. I checked this using boost::multiprecision::cpp_rational, which is an arbitrary precision rational type built on their arbitrary precision integer type.


    x = -100
        taylor series (double) = -8.49406e+24
                    (rational) = -18893676108550916857809762858135399218622904499152741157985438973568808515840901824148153378967545615159911801257288730703818783811465589393308637433853828075746484162303774416145637877964256819225743503057927703756503421797985867950089388433370741907279634245166982027749118060939789786116368342096247737/2232616279628214542925453719111453368125414939204152540389632950466163724817295723266374721466940218188641069650613086131881282494641669993119717482562506576264729344137595063634080983904636687834775755173984034571100264999493261311453647876869630211032375288916556801211263293563
                               = -8.46257e+24
        library                = 3.72008e-44
    x = 100
        taylor series (double) = 2.68812e+43
                    (rational) = 36451035284924577938246208798747009164319474757880246359883694555113407009453436064573518999387789077985197279221655719227002367495061633272603038249747260895707250896595889294145309676586627989388740458641362406969609459453916777341749316070359589697827702813520519796940239276744754778199440304584107317957027129587503199/1356006206645357299077422810994072904566969809700681604285727988319939931024001696953196916719184549697395496290863162742676361760549235149195411231740418104602504325580502523311497039304043141691060121240640609954226541318710631103275528465092597490136227936213123455950399178299
                               = 2.68812e+43
        library                = 2.68812e+43


    #include <cmath>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
    typedef unsigned int uint;
    typedef boost::multiprecision::cpp_rational rational;
    // Taylor series of exp
    template <typename T>
    T taylor_series(const T x) {
        T sum = 1, last = 1;
        for (uint i = 1; i < 200; i++) {
            last = last * (x / i);
            sum = sum + last;
        return sum;
    void sample(const int x) {
        std::cout << "x = " << x << std::endl;
        long double e1 = taylor_series(static_cast<long double>(x));
        std::cout << "\ttaylor series (double) = " << e1 << std::endl;
        rational e2 = taylor_series(static_cast<rational>(x));
        std::cout << "\t            (rational) = " << e2 << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\t                       = " << static_cast<long double>(e2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\tlibrary                = " << expl(static_cast<long double>(x)) << std::endl;
    int main() {