I'm doing this project Pac-man game for my python class at school. Everything was going well but... Yesterday, while I was finishing up some final function my game started lagging so bad. The problem is in the main loop I suppose but I can't find a solution... Here is some code:
from tkinter import *
import time
import threading
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import random
points = []
matrix = []
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.tk = Tk()
self.canvas = Canvas(self.tk, width = 800, height = 700, bg = 'black')
self.Pac = Pacman(self.canvas, 'yellow')
self.Blinky = Ghost(self.canvas, 'red')
self.score = 0
self.scoreid = Label(self.tk,
text = "SCORE: {0}".format(self.score), bg = 'yellow', fg = 'black')
for wall in outerWall:
self.drawWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
self.drawWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])
for wall in WierdWalls:
self.drawWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
self.drawWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])
for wall in BaseOfGhost:
self.drawWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
self.drawWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])
self.canvas.create_line(350, 270, 450, 270, width = 5, fill = 'yellow')
for wall in squareWalls:
self.drawSquareWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
self.drawSquareWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])
self.running = True
def drawWall(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, width = 3, color = 'blue'):
self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, width = width, fill = color)
def drawSquareWall(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, width = 2, color = 'black'):
self.canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = color)
self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y0, width = width, fill = 'blue')
self.canvas.create_line(x1, y0, x1, y1, width = width, fill = 'blue')
self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x0, y1, width = width, fill = 'blue')
self.canvas.create_line(x0, y1, x0, y0, width = width, fill = 'blue')
def drawPoints(self):
self.BuildHorizontalPath(40, 40, 13, 26)
self.BuildVerticalPath(40, 40, 9, 16)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 168, 4, 26)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 104, 4, 26)
self.BuildVerticalPath(170, 56, 8, 16)
self.BuildVerticalPath(170, 192, 18, 24)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(196, 104, 8, 26)
self.BuildVerticalPath(352, 56, 3, 16)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(40, 456, 5, 26)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(40, 600, 5, 26)
self.BuildVerticalPath(40, 472, 4, 16)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 520, 2, 26)
self.BuildVerticalPath(92, 536, 4, 16 )
self.BuildVerticalPath(40, 600, 4, 18)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 654, 12, 27)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(200, 527, 7, 27)
self.BuildHorizontalPath(200, 456, 7, 27)
self.BuildVerticalPath (362, 472, 3, 18)
self.BuildVerticalPath (274, 135, 3, 20)
self.BuildHorizontalPath (292, 175, 4, 18)
self.BuildVerticalPath (254, 550, 3, 20)
self.BuildHorizontalPath (274, 591, 5, 22)
self.BuildVerticalPath (363, 611, 2, 20)
def BuildHorizontalPath(self, val1, val2, number, increment = 25, delta = 8):
x, y = val1, val2
itemid1 = 0
itemid2 = 0
for i in range(number):
deltax = x + delta
deltay = y + delta
itemid1 = self.canvas.create_oval(x, y, deltax, deltay, fill = 'white')
itemid2 = self.canvas.create_oval(800-x, y, 800-deltax, deltay, fill = 'white')
points.append([(deltax + x)/2, (deltay + y)/2, itemid1])
points.append([800-(deltax + x)/2, (deltay+y)/2, itemid2])
x += increment
def BuildVerticalPath(self, val1, val2, number, increment = 30, delta = 8):
itemid1 = 0
itemid2 = 0
for i in range(number):
x, y = val1, val2
deltax = x + delta
deltay = y + delta
itemid1 = self.canvas.create_oval(x, y, deltax, deltay, fill = 'white')
itemid2 = self.canvas.create_oval(800-x, y, 800-deltax, deltay,
fill = 'white')
points.append([(deltax + x)/2, (deltay + y)/2, itemid1])
points.append([800-(deltax + x)/2, (deltay + y)/2, itemid2])
val2 += increment
def mainloop(self):
while 1:
if self.running:
first_moment = round(time.time())
if not self.Pac.hitwall():
self.Pac.canvas.move(self.Pac.id, self.Pac.x, self.Pac.y)
if self.Pac.feed():
self.score = self.score + 10
self.scoreid.config(text = "SCORE: {0}".format(self.score))
if self.Pac.first_teleport():
self.Pac.canvas.move(self.Pac.id, 760, 0)
if self.Pac.second_teleport():
self.Pac.canvas.move(self.Pac.id, -760, 0)
if not self.Blinky.hitwall():
self.Blinky.canvas.move(self.Blinky.id, self.Blinky.x, self.Blinky.y)
if self.Blinky.hitwall():
last_moment = round(time.time())
s = 0.01 - (last_moment - first_moment)
if s >= 0:
class Pacman:
def __init__(self, canvas, color):
self.canvas = canvas
self.id = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 35, 35, fill = color)
self.canvas.move(self.id, 400, 375)
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Left>', self.turn_left)
self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Right>', self.turn_right)
self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Up>', self.go_up)
self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Down>', self.go_down)
self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyRelease>', self.stop)
#self.canvas.bind_all(self.hitwall, self.stop)
def feed(self):
pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id)
for point in points:
if point[0] >= pos[0] and point[0] <= pos[2]:
if point[1] >= pos[1] and point[1] <= pos[3]:
return True
if point[1] >= pos[1] and point[1] <= pos[3]:
if point[0] >= pos[0] and point[0] <= pos[2]:
return True
return False
def stop(self, event):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
def turn_left(self, event):
self.x = -2
def turn_right(self, event):
self.x = 2
def go_up(self, event):
self.y = -2
def go_down(self, event):
self.y = 2
def draw(self):
self.canvas.move(self.id, self.x, self.y)
def hitwall(self):
pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id)
pos[0] += self.x
pos[1] += self.y
pos[2] += self.x
pos[3] += self.y
for wall in squareWalls:
if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
for wall in outerWall:
if pos[1] > 90 and pos[3] < 680:
if pos[0] <= wall[0] and pos[0] <= wall[2]:
if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
return True
if pos[2] <= wall[0] and pos[2] <=wall[2]:
if pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
return True
if pos[3] > 680 or pos[1] < 20:
return True
if pos[1] > 20 and pos[1] < 90:
if pos[0] < 20:
return True
if pos[2] > 780:
return True
if pos[2] > 385 and pos[2] < 415:
return True
if pos[0] > 385 and pos[0] < 415:
return True
if pos[1] > 90 and pos[3] < 680:
if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[0] and pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2]:
if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
return True
if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[0] and pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2]:
if pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
return True
for wall in list_of_walls:
if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
return True
if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
return True
return False
def first_teleport(self):
pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id)
if pos[1] > 290 and pos[1] < 350:
if pos[0] < 0:
return True
return False
def second_teleport(self):
pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id)
if pos[3] > 290 and pos[3] < 350:
if pos[2] > 800:
return True
return False
class Menu():
def __init__(self):
self.m = Tk()
image1 = Image.open("/home/tano/The_Pac-man_game/pacman.jpg")
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1)
label1 = Label(self.m, image = photo )
label1.image = photo
play_button = Button(self.m,text="Play", command = self.Play).pack()
exit_button = Button(self.m,text="Exit", command = self.Exit).pack()
def Play(self):
g = Game()
def Exit(self):
def mainloop(self):
while 1:
class Ghost(Pacman):
def __init__(self, canvas, color):
self.canvas = canvas
self.id = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 35, 35, fill = color)
self.canvas.move(self.id, 350, 220)
self.x = -2
self.y = 0
def movement(self):
if self.x > 0:
if self.x < 0:
if self.y > 0:
if self.y < 0:
def change_direction(self):
z = random.randrange(1, 4)
if z == 1:
self.x = 0
self.y = 2
elif z == 2:
self.x = 2
self.y = 0
elif z == 3:
self.x = 0
self.y = -2
elif z == 4:
self.x = -2
self.y = 0
outerWall = [ [5, 5, 5, 200], [5, 5, 400, 5], [20, 20, 20, 200],
[20, 20, 385, 20], [5, 200, 5, 215], [20, 200, 150, 200], [5, 215, 135, 215], [135, 215, 135, 275],[150, 200, 150, 290], [135, 215, 135, 275], [5, 290, 150, 290], [5, 275, 135, 275], [5, 350, 150, 350], [5, 365, 135, 365],
[150, 350, 150, 440] , [135, 365, 135, 425], [20, 440, 150, 440], [5, 425, 135, 425], [5, 425, 5, 695], [20, 440, 20, 545], [20, 575, 20, 680], [20, 545, 60, 545], [20, 575, 60, 575], [60, 545, 60, 575], [5, 695, 795, 695], [385, 20, 385, 90], [385, 90, 400, 90], [20, 680, 780, 680]]
squareWalls = [[60, 60, 150, 90], [200, 60, 340, 90], [60, 130, 150, 150], [200, 350, 240, 440], [200, 490, 340, 510]]
BaseOfGhost = [[300, 270, 300, 370], [310, 280, 310, 360], [300, 270, 350, 270], [300, 370, 400, 370], [310, 360, 400, 360], [310, 280, 350, 280],[350, 280, 350, 270] ]
WierdWalls = [[300, 140, 500, 140], [500, 140, 500, 160], [500, 160, 410, 160],[300, 140, 300, 160], [300, 160, 390, 160], [390, 160, 390, 220], [410, 160, 410, 220], [390, 220, 410 , 220], [560, 140, 560, 200], [600, 140, 600, 290], [560, 200, 480, 200], [480, 200, 480, 220], [480, 220, 560, 220], [560, 220, 560, 290], [560, 290, 600, 290], [560, 140, 600, 140], [150, 480, 150, 575], [150, 480, 60, 480], [60, 480, 60, 500], [60, 500, 130, 500], [130, 500, 130, 575], [130, 575, 150, 575], [300, 440, 390, 440 ], [300, 440, 300, 420], [300, 420, 500, 420], [390, 440, 390, 510], [390, 510, 410, 510],[300, 580, 390, 580 ], [300, 580, 300, 550], [300, 550, 500, 550], [390, 580, 390, 640], [390, 640, 410, 640], [60, 640, 340, 640], [60, 640, 60, 620], [60, 620, 200, 620], [200, 620, 200, 550], [200, 550, 220, 550,],[220, 550, 220, 620], [220, 620, 340, 620], [340, 620, 340, 640] ]
list_of_walls = [[300,140,500,160],[390,160,410,220], [560,140,600,290],[560,200,480,220], [240,200,320,220],[240,140,200,290],[150,480,130,575], [650,480,670,575], [150,480,60,500], [650,480,740,500], [300,420,500,440], [390,440,410,510], [300,550,500,580], [390,580,410,640], [60,620,340,640], [460,620,740,640], [200,550,220,620], [580,550,600, 620], [300, 270, 400, 370]]
m = Menu()
My concern is if this function hitwall()
is too big, because I'm using it twice in this main loop so far and I will need two times more ...
I'll be very happy if someone helps me find a solution to this problem because this project is pretty important to me.
The calls to sleep
cause your program to lag. There may be other problems, but that's definitely one of them. You shouldn't have your own mainloop
method, you should use the built-in mainloop
You can do this by removing the while statement from mainloop
, removing the sleep statement and the calls to update
and update_idletasks
, and then having it use the after
command to cause itself to run every few milliseconds.
It would look something like this:
def animate(self):
<all of the code for updating the display>
self.after(30, self.animate)
Here's the full version:
def animate(self):
if self.running:
if not self.Pac.hitwall():
self.Pac.canvas.move(self.Pac.id, self.Pac.x, self.Pac.y)
if self.Pac.feed():
self.score = self.score + 10
self.scoreid.config(text = "SCORE: {0}".format(self.score))
if self.Pac.first_teleport():
self.Pac.canvas.move(self.Pac.id, 760, 0)
if self.Pac.second_teleport():
self.Pac.canvas.move(self.Pac.id, -760, 0)
if not self.Blinky.hitwall():
self.Blinky.canvas.move(self.Blinky.id, self.Blinky.x, self.Blinky.y)
if self.Blinky.hitwall():
self.after(30, self.animate)
You can problem use else
in a few places to cut down on the amount of computation. For example, if hitwall()
returns True
, there's probably no need to also call feed()
, right? And, if the pacman hits the first teleport there's no need to check to see if it's in the second teleport. With proper use of else
you can probably reduce computations by a third or more.
Also, you're calling self.Blinky.hitwall() twice during each iteration. Shouldn't you be calling that only once?