I required to upload a xml
file in to server using the angular
. i am trying but getting an error as Uncaught TypeError: server.uploadXML.post is not a function
any one correct me or show me the correct way to handle this?
to do this process, I am using controller
and directive
with my html
I am very new, please guide me wherever I made mistaken.
here is my controller function : //i am calling from directive
$scope.uploadFile = function ( newFile, id ) {
var fileData = new FormData();
fileData.append('file', newFile[0], newFile[0].name);
// console.log("new file", "$scope.packageId", $scope.packageId, "$scope.contractorId", $scope.contractorId, newFile, info );
packageId: $scope.packageId,
contractorId : $scope.contractorId,
contractId : id
}, { save: {
type: 'POST',
data: fileData,
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
processData: false,
contentType: "application/octet-stream",
success : function ( data ) {
error : function ( error ) {
cosole.log( error );
}} );
Here is my directive:
//file upload handled here
var uploadFileDirective = function () {
return {
restrict : 'C',
scope : {
link:function ( scope, element, attrs ) {
element.on('change', function ( event ) {
var files = event.target.files;
scope.upload(files, scope.info ); //calling controller
.directive("uploadFileDirective", uploadFileDirective);
Here is my HTML :
<div class="row row3">
<div class="cell">
<a ng-href="">Contract Details</a>
<span class="fileUpload">
Upload Report
<!-- hanlded by directive by class name -->
<input info="contractor.Id" upload="uploadFile" class="uploadField upload-file-directive" type="file" />
I am using my server.js
file to upload my file, here is the server.js file:
(function () {
"use strict";
.factory("server", ['$resource', function ($resource) {
var base = 'http://azvsptcsdev02:678/_vti_bin/CPMD.WEBSERVICE/ProjectInfoService.svc/';
return {
subPage : $resource( base + 'GetSubProjects/:id'),
splash : $resource( base + 'GetProjectDetails'),
projectSummary : $resource( base + 'GetProjectByID/:id', {id : '@id'}), //at the top on the summary page
contractorsList : $resource( base + 'Contracts/:projectId/:subProjectId/:phaseId/:disciplineId'), //left side list of contractos
contractorInfo : $resource( base + 'Projects/:projectId/:subProjectId/:contractId/:disciplineId/:staticId'), //summary page getting contractor info
allProjectList : $resource( base + 'GetAllProjects'), //getting all project for all project page
allSubProjects : $resource( base + 'GetAllSubProjects/:packageId'),
allContracts : $resource( base + 'AllContracts/:packageId/:contractorId'),
uploadXML : $resource( base + 'UploadContract/:packageId/:contractorId/:contractId')
In your server.js
file, when you do
uploadXML : $resource( base + 'UploadContract/:packageId/:contractorId/:contractId')
returns on abject with the following methods available:
{ 'get': {method:'GET'},
'save': {method:'POST'},
'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true},
'remove': {method:'DELETE'},
'delete': {method:'DELETE'} };
See the angular documentation.
So server.uploadXML.post
is indeed not defined (that's why you get the error). Try using server.uploadXML.save
instead which corresponds to the http POST method.