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How to define bullets in Flash TLFTextField?

I'm using Flash's TLFTextField in a flex project. We can add bullets in TLFTextField using HTMLText(li), but how can I add bullets to TLFTextField without using HTMLText?

I can do bullets in Flash's classic TextField using the bullet property of TextFormat.


  • This is not a solid fix but this solved my problem. I share my code so that it may help anyone who come across this issue.

    // Imagine you have to apply bullet to the text index between beginIndex, endIndex
    var index : int = beginIndex; 
    var le : FlowLeafElement = this.textFlow.findLeaf( index + 1 );
    var listEle : ListElement = new ListElement();
    while( le && index < endIndex ) {
        if( le ){
            var p : ParagraphElement = le.getParagraph();
            if( p ) {
                index += p.getText().length + 1;
                if ( p.getText().length > 0 && ( !( p.parent is ListItemElement ) ) ) {
                    var childIndex : int = this.textFlow.getChildIndex( p );
                    this.textFlow.removeChild( p );
                    listEle = new ListElement();
                    var listItem : ListItemElement = new ListItemElement();
                    listItem.addChild( p );
                    listEle.addChild( listItem );
                    if( childIndex >= 0 ){
                        this.textFlow.addChildAt( childIndex, listEle );
                    } else {
                        this.textFlow.addChild( listEle );
        le = le.getNextLeaf();