Search code examples

Match all "http" only URLs without additional characters

I have tried the below expressions.

(http:\/\/.*?)['\"\< \>]


The first one is doing well but always gives the last extra character with the matched URLs.



" <

I don't want them with URLs.


  • You can use lookahead instead of making ['\"\< >] part of your match, i.e.:

    (http:\/\/.*?)(?=['\"\< >])

    Generally speaking, whereas ab matches ab, a(?=b) matches a (if it's followed by b).


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    Capturing group option

    Lookarounds are not supported by all flavors. More widely supported are capturing groups.

    Generally speaking, whereas (a)b still matches ab, it also captures a in group 1.


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    Negated character class option

    Depending on the need, often times using a negated character class is much better than using a reluctant .*? (followed by a lookahead to assert the terminator pattern in this case).

    Let's consider the problem of matching "everything between A and ZZ". As it turns out, this specification is ambiguous: we will come up with 3 patterns that does this, and they will yield different matches. Which one is "correct" depends on the expectation, which is not properly conveyed in the original statement.

    We use the following as input:


    We use 3 different patterns:

    • A(.*)ZZ yields 1 match: AiiZooAuuZZeeeZZ (as seen on
      • This is the greedy variant; group 1 matched and captured iiZooAuuZZeee
    • A(.*?)ZZ yields 1 match: AiiZooAuuZZ (as seen on
      • This is the reluctant variant; group 1 matched and captured iiZooAuu
    • A([^Z]*)ZZ yields 1 match: AuuZZ (as seen on
      • This is the negated character class variant; group 1 matched and captured uu

    Here's a visual representation of what they matched:

            /   \              n = negated character class
    eeAiiZooAuuZZeeeZZfff      r = reluctant
      \_________/r   /         g = greedy


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