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How can I get my current symfony installation run on a local server?

I have been working on a Symfony2 installation on a dedicated server for the past year and I'm finally trying to get it to work on my local server (since I am spending more time meddling with the code lately).

I've created a new database and imported it. Edited the parameters.yml file to contain all the info needed by local and ran php composer.phar install. Ran php app/console doctrine:schema:update, clear cache, install assets and dumped assetics. No errors so far.

Now, when I go to the app.php file, I am getting this error :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function Doctrine\Common\Annotations\token_get_all() in [path]/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/TokenParser.php on line 56

I couldn't find an answer by searching (could be because I am not sure what i am searching for). Has anyone encountered this issue before and know how to fix it?



  • Do you have the PHP tokenizer extension enabled? Check the Symfony requirements for more information.

    In Ubuntu 14.04 you could install it with

    sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5