My QGraphicsPixmapItem
has to report a correct size - its initial size should match the original image size.
I notice something odd if I make the item selectable: the size reported is one pixel too large.
Is this to be expected ?
Will this behavior be consistent for all QGraphicsPixmapItems
that are set selectable ?
(And can I therefore override the boundingRect()
to subtract 1 from the size reported by the QGraphicsPixmapItem::boundingRect()
each time ?)
Simple check, with any image:
QGraphicsPixmapItem p;
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("Open Image File"),
QString(), QObject::tr(
"Png files (*.png);;Jpeg files (*.jpg *.jpeg);;Bitmap files (*.bmp)"));
QPixmap pixmap(fileName);
qDebug("%d %d", pixmap.size().width(), pixmap.size().height());
qDebug("%f %f", p.boundingRect().width(), p.boundingRect().height());
This is expected behavior. If you look at the source code, you will see that it adds half a pixel to each direction when the ItemIsSelectable
flag has been set:
if (d->flags & ItemIsSelectable) {
qreal pw = 1.0;
return QRectF(d->offset, d->pixmap.size()).adjusted(-pw/2, -pw/2, pw/2, pw/2);