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Truncating too long varchar when inserting to MySQL via SQLAlchemy

I am inserting data to MySQL via SQLAlchemy models. Recently, this app is running against MySQL configured with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES and app fails occasionally because of Data too long for column error.

I know that I can disable strict sql_mode for my session (like here MySQL too long varchar truncation/error setting),

but I was curious if SQLAlchemy can enforce max String() length for column data. Documentation says, the String() length is for CREATE TABLE only. My question:

  1. Is it possible to enforce max length (truncate too long strings) in SQLAlchemy?
  2. Can I set it for individual columns or for all columns in all tables/database only?


  • If you would like to enfoce max length by automatically truncating it on the python/sqlalchemy side, I think that using Simple Validators is the easiest way to achieve this:

    class MyTable(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'my_table'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        code = Column(String(4))
        name = Column(String(10))
        @validates('code', 'name')
        def validate_code(self, key, value):
            max_len = getattr(self.__class__, key).prop.columns[0].type.length
            if value and len(value) > max_len:
                return value[:max_len]
            return value