The following problem is an exam exercise I found from an Artificial Intelligence course.
"Suggest a heuristic mechanism that allows this problem to be solved, using the Hill-Climbing algorithm. (S=Start point, F=Final point/goal). No diagonal movement is allowed."
Since it's obvious that Manhattan Distance or Euclidean Distance will send the robot at (3,4) and no backtracking is allowed, what is a possible solution (heuristic mechanism) to this problem?
EDIT: To make the problem clearer, I've marked some of the Manhattan distances on the board:
It would be obvious that, using Manhattan distance, the robot's next move would be at (3,4) since it has a heuristic value of 2 - HC will choose that and get stuck forever. The aim is try and never go that path by finding the proper heuristic algorithm.
I thought of the obstructions as being hot, and that heat rises. I make the net cost of a cell the sum of the Manhattan metric distance to F plus a heat-penalty. Thus there is an attractive force drawing the robot towards F as well as a repelling force which forces it away from the obstructions.
There are two types of heat penalties:
1) It is very bad to touch an obstruction. Look at the 2 or 3 cells neighboring cells in the row immediately below a given cell. Add 15 for every obstruction cell which is directly below the given cell and 10 for every diagonal neighbor which is directly below
2) For cells not in direct contact with the instructions -- the heat is more diffuse. I calculate it as 6 times the average number of obstruction blocks below the cell both in its column and in its neighboring columns.
The following shows the result of combining this all, as well as the path taken from S to F:
A crucial point it the way that the averaging causes the robot to turn left rather than right when it hits the top row. The unheated columns towards the left make that the cooler direction. It is interesting to note how all cells (with the possible exception of the two at the upper-right corner) are drawn to F by this heuristic.