I play an audio file from a URL using MediaPlayer. The file plays fine, however after playback (if the app hasnt't been explicitly killed), alarm ringtone is silent. What do I need to clear/reset on end of playback to make this not happen?
Code for the file I am using to control the voicemail playback. http://hastebin.com/ehijobuwoc.coffee
Ok have found something that works. Solves both the alarm issue and allows me to play the voicemail through the earpiece.
I needed to setMode back to what it was when I started, in onStop():
// set mode back to normal, and speakerphone back to true.
AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
and in init:
private void initMediaPlayer() {
// Make the media play through earpiece instead of through speaker(default)
AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
prevMode = am.getMode();
Thanks @DreadfulWeather for leading me to this answer, with some helpful questions.