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Laravel 5 and EAV relationship

I'm in trouble with eav model. Basically; i have three tables. User, UserInfo, Country.

User                userinfo               Country
---------           ------------           ------------
id                  id                     id
username            user_id                country_name
pass                option_id
etc                 option_value

I connected user and userinfo models succesfully. There is a no problem. I retrieving user infos in user model with this:

$this->info->where('option_id', $key)->first()->option_value;

My problem is right there. I'am storing "country_id" in option_id and option_value.

In example:

id                  1
user_id             5
option_id           country_id
option_value        3

I am running this query from user model

$this->info->where('option_id', 'country_id')->first()->option_value;

It returns 3. There is a no problem. My problem is i couldn't get country_name. I don't know which relationship to use for this. I can make this using "DB" class but then i need use another queries for all of theese types. It's not the best solution.

Can someone help me?

Edit : I am looking for like this solution (if it's possible):

$this->info->where('option_id', $key)->first()->option_value->country_name;

Edit : I am using laravel 5.1


  • The Country model belongs to the userinfo. On your userinfo model, you should define the relationship.

    UserInfo Class

    public function country()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Country', 'local_key', 'parent_key');

    In this case, your 'local_key' would be 'option_id' and your 'parent_key' would be 'id'.

    Once you've defined the relationship, you can get all attribute of country like this:

    $this->info->where('option_id', $key)->first()->country()->get();