I'm formatting my textfiled text once the user start typing the phone number into this format type 0 (555) 444 66 77
and it is working fine but once I get the number from the server I get it like this 05554446677
So please could you tell me how I can edit it in the same format once I get it fro the server?
My code once I start typing:
func textField(textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
if textField == phoneNumberTextField{
var newString = (textField.text as NSString).stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(range, withString: string)
var components = newString.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.decimalDigitCharacterSet().invertedSet)
var decimalString = "".join(components) as NSString
var length = decimalString.length
var hasLeadingOne = length > 0 && decimalString.characterAtIndex(0) == (1 as unichar)
if length == 0 || (length > 11 && !hasLeadingOne) || length > 12{
var newLength = (textField.text as NSString).length + (string as NSString).length - range.length as Int
return (newLength > 11) ? false : true
var index = 0 as Int
var formattedString = NSMutableString()
if hasLeadingOne{
formattedString.appendString("1 ")
index += 1
if (length - index) > 1{
var zeroNumber = decimalString.substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(index, 1))
formattedString.appendFormat("%@ ", zeroNumber)
index += 1
if (length - index) > 3{
var areaCode = decimalString.substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(index, 3))
formattedString.appendFormat("(%@) ", areaCode)
index += 3
if (length - index) > 3{
var prefix = decimalString.substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(index, 3))
formattedString.appendFormat("%@ ", prefix)
index += 3
if (length - index) > 3{
var prefix = decimalString.substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(index, 2))
formattedString.appendFormat("%@ ", prefix)
index += 2
var remainder = decimalString.substringFromIndex(index)
textField.text = formattedString as String
return false
return true
Manipulations with characters in String are not very straightforward. You need following:
Swift 2.1
let s = "05554446677"
let s2 = String(format: "%@ (%@) %@ %@ %@", s.substringToIndex(s.startIndex.advancedBy(1)),
s.substringWithRange(s.startIndex.advancedBy(1) ... s.startIndex.advancedBy(3)),
s.substringWithRange(s.startIndex.advancedBy(4) ... s.startIndex.advancedBy(6)),
s.substringWithRange(s.startIndex.advancedBy(7) ... s.startIndex.advancedBy(8)),
s.substringWithRange(s.startIndex.advancedBy(9) ... s.startIndex.advancedBy(10))
Swift 2.0
let s = "05554446677"
let s2 = String(format: "%@ (%@) %@ %@ %@", s.substringToIndex(advance(s.startIndex, 1)),
s.substringWithRange(advance(s.startIndex, 1) ... advance(s.startIndex, 3)),
s.substringWithRange(advance(s.startIndex, 4) ... advance(s.startIndex, 6)),
s.substringWithRange(advance(s.startIndex, 7) ... advance(s.startIndex, 8)),
s.substringWithRange(advance(s.startIndex, 9) ... advance(s.startIndex, 10))
Code will print
0 (555) 444 66 77