I am working on tornado and motor in python 3.4.3.
I got three files. Lets name it like main.py
, model.py
, core.py
I have three functions, one in each...
def getLoggedIn(request_handler):
# request_handler = tornado.web.RequestHandler()
db = request_handler.settings["db"]
uid = request_handler.get_secure_cookie("uid")
result = model.Session.get(db, uid=uid)
return result.get("_id", None) if result else None
def get(cls, db, user_id=None, **kwargs):
session = core.Session(db)
return session.get(user_id, **kwargs)
def get(self, user_id, **kwargs):
params = kwargs
if user_id:
params.update({"_id": ObjectId(user_id)}) #This does not exist in DB
future = self.collection.find_one(params)
print(future) #prints <tornado.concurrent.Future object at 0x04152A90>
result = yield future
print(result) #prints None
return result
The calls look like getLoggedIn
=> model.get
=> core.get
core.get is decorated with @gen.coroutine
and I call yield self.collection.find_one(params)
The print(result)
prints None
but if I return result and try to print the return value in getLoggedIn
function it prints .
I believe this is related to asynchronous nature of tornado and the print gets called before yield but I am not sure. It would be a great help if someone could explain about coroutine/generators principles and behavior in different possible cases.
Every call to a coroutine must be yielded, and the caller must also be a coroutine. So getLoggedIn must be a coroutine that calls:
result = yield model.Session.get(db, uid=uid)
And so on. See my article on refactoring Tornado coroutines for a detailed example and explanation.