For clarification on this question, here is the original question with background information.
I have been attempting to make one agentset (ships) move towards another agentset (target-port) and once the ships arrive, move on to the next target (shortest distance away). What i have so far although its not working correctly:
ask ships
[ if distance target-port = 0
[ set target-port min-one-of ports with [who != myself] [distance myself]
face target-port ]
ifelse distance target-port < 1
[ move-to target-port ]
[ fd 1 ]
I would also like to have the ships stop moving once they've met the end of the path. (i.e port 0 or 2 in this specific scenario).
Here is an example of the entire code to make it easier to understand:
breed [ships ship]
breed[ports port]
ships-own [current-port target-port]
to setup
let index 0
create-ports 3
let loc item index [ [4 -4] [ 9 5] [ -11 11] ]
setxy (item 0 loc) (item 1 loc)
set index index + 1
set shape "circle"
set size 5
set color red - 1]
ask ports
[let s who
set label ( word " Port " s )
hatch-ships 1
[ set current-port s
set size 10
set color red
set pen-size 1
Set target-port min-one-of ports with [ who != s] [distance myself]
set heading towards target-port
set label (word "target " target-port)
] ]
to go
ask ships
[ if distance target-port = 0
[ set target-port min-one-of ports with [who != myself] [distance myself]
face target-port ]
ifelse distance target-port < 1
[ move-to target-port ]
[ fd 1 ]
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
For the first part of your question, you just need to use other
ask ships [
if (distance target-port = 0) [
let _otherports no-turtles
ask target-port [set _otherports (other ports)]
set target-port min-one-of _otherports [distance myself]
face target-port
ifelse (distance target-port < 1) [
move-to target-port
fd 1
You do not really provide enough info to answer the rest of your question, since your code forces ships to pick a new target once they arrive at their current target. One way to proceed is to give a ship a list of ports to visit, in order, and then stop when you reach the end of the list.