What's a good way to draw sorting networks that look like those at the bottom of this post? A python package or LaTeX typsetting package would be much appreciated.
It is very possible that some more specific LaTeX packages exist to draw such networks, but you can start from having a look at TikZ package (manual). This is how I (quickly) reproduced the simpler of the two images in your question using TikZ:
%\fill [gray!15] (1.5,1.5) -- (2.5,1.5) -- (2.5,2.5) -- (1.5,2.5) -- cycle;
\foreach \a in {1,...,4}
\draw[thick] (0,\a) -- ++(5,0);
\foreach \x in {{1,2},{1,4},{2,1},{2,3},{3,1},{3,2},{3,3},{3,4},{4,2},{4,3}}
\filldraw (\x) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[thick] (1,2) -- (1,4);
\draw[thick] (2,1) -- (2,3);
\draw[thick] (3,1) -- (3,2);
\draw[thick] (3,3) -- (3,4);
\draw[thick] (4,2) -- (4,3);
The commented line (beginning with %
) would give you a sample of light-gray rectangle on the background as in the first image of yours.