I basically want to run a script which is a server but with 10 second delay, it is because I need some stuff to run before this script.
The server is located in the folder /etc/init.d
but basically to make it work I go to that path using the command line and I have to restart the server typing:
sudo ./znodejs.sh stop
And then I start the server again:
sudo ./znodejs.sh start
I would like to know if there is any way to run those commands with a delay.
In order to make a script run on startup first make it executable:
$ sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/znodejs.sh
Then you can register the script to be run at startup:
$ sudo update-rc.d znodejs.sh defaults
(Edit) original answer:
the sleep command sill pause for a given number of seconds:
sudo ./znodejs.sh stop
sleep 10
sudo ./znodejs.sh start