While working on a state called AppState
I want keep track of the number of, say, instances. These instances have distinct ids of type InstanceId
Therefore my state look likes this
import Control.Lens
data AppState = AppState
{ -- ...
, _instanceCounter :: Map InstanceId Integer
makeLenses ''AppState
The function to keep track of counts should yield 1 when no instance with given id has been counted before and n + 1
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
countInstances :: InstanceId -> State AppState Integer
countInstances instanceId = do
instanceCounter %= incOrSetToOne
fromMaybe (error "This cannot logically happen.")
<$> use (instanceCounter . at instanceId)
incOrSetToOne :: Map InstanceId Integer -> Map InstanceId Integer
incOrSetToOne m = case Map.lookup instanceId m of
Just c -> Map.insert instanceId (c + 1) m
Nothing -> Map.insert instanceId 1 m
While the above code works, there is hopefully a way to improve it. What I don't like:
twice (first for setting, then for getting the value)fromMaybe
where always Just
is expected (so I might as well use fromJust
. The reason is that at
does not allow to handle the case where lookup
yields Nothing
but instead fmap
s over Maybe
.Suggestions for improvement?
The way to do this using lens is:
countInstances :: InstanceId -> State AppState Integer
countInstances instanceId = instanceCounter . at instanceId . non 0 <+= 1
The key here is to use non
non :: Eq a => a -> Iso' (Maybe a) a
This allows us to treat missing elements from the instanceCounter Map as 0