I need to filter my Table2 with ID number and with year >=2010.
This is my code for filter:
Me.Table2BindingSource.Filter = "osobljeID ='" & OsobljeIDTextBox.Text & "'" And "Godina >=" & txtGodP.Text
When I start app and click on button with this code I got:
Conversion from string "osobljeID ='1'" to type 'Long' is not valid.
When I use only one column to filter all is working but I need two.
(e.g [Me.Table2BindingSource.Filter = "osobljeID ='" & OsobljeIDTextBox.Text & "'"]) but with "And" it give err.
Try this:
Me.Table2BindingSource.Filter = "osobljeID = '" & OsobljeIDTextBox.Text & "' AND Godina >= " & txtGodP.Text
The operator AND should be part of the filter string.