I am trying to add headers into the CSV file and as a headers I would like to have the variables names used in the WriteLine
Here you have my code:
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(fs))
for (int s = 0; s < pr.Length; ++s)
string[] UsersIDS = new string[] {""};
UsersIDS = db.GetUsersList(pr[s].ProjectID);
pr[s].ProjectID + '"' + ',' +
'"' + pr[s].ProjectTitle + '"' + ',' +
pr[s].PublishStatus + '"' + ',' +
I propose you following modification
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(fs))
file.WriteLine("ProjectID, ProjectTitle,PublishStatus,Length");
for (int s = 0; s < pr.Length; ++s)
string[] UsersIDS = new string[] {""};
UsersIDS = db.GetUsersList(pr[s].ProjectID);
file.WriteLine( pr[s].ProjectID + '"' + ',' + '"' + pr[s].ProjectTitle + '"' + ',' + pr[s].PublishStatus + '"' + ',' + UsersIDS.Length);
}//end of for