When I pass an array to a subroutine, does it shift the whole array or just an pointer to the memory path? My problem looks like:
program run
real,dimension :: p(200,200,200)
integer :: i
do i=0,10000000
call sub_p(p)
subroutine sub_p(rhs)
real,dimension :: rhs(200,200,200)
Becuase if the whole array is passed it probably takes longer regarding runtime?
@Vladimir: So in the code above a pointer is passed but if the code looks like the following the array is copied?:
program run
real,dimension :: p(200,200,200)
integer,parameter :: imax = 198
integer,parameter :: jmax = 198
integer,parameter :: kmax = 198
integer :: ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke
integer :: i
ib=1; ie=ib+imax
jb=1; je=jb+jmax
kb=1; ke=kb+kmax
do i=0,10000000
call sub_p(p(ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke))
subroutine sub_p(rhs)
integer,parameter :: imax = 198
integer,parameter :: jmax = 198
integer,parameter :: kmax = 198
real,dimension :: rhs(imax,jmax,kmax)
Am I right?
Yes, if the interface is implicit or the dummy argument is an explicit shape array, as you have, a pointer is passed. (The standard doesn't say that explicitly, but effectively it is the only possible implementation.
But it can be a pointer to a copy! If the array is not contiguous and the interface is implicit there will be a copy!
In your case:
no copy:
call sub_p(p)
a copy required:
call similar_sub(p(1,:,:))