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How to solve (Jenkins) msbuild-by-convention issue illegal characters in path?

For a C# project I am using a Jenkins buildserver. To build the C# project I am using msbuild-by-convention. Since 2 months ago an error occured during every build attempt.

    (SetAssemblyFileVersion target) -> 
  C:\WORKSPACE\Backend\Back-End\msbuild-by-convention\Scripts\targets.msbuild(207,3): error MSB4018: The "Attrib" task failed unexpectedly. [C:\WORKSPACE\Backend\Back-End\Build\Scripts\main.msbuild]
C:\WORKSPACE\Backend\Back-End\msbuild-by-convention\Scripts\targets.msbuild(207,3): error MSB4018: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path. [C:\WORKSPACE\Backend\Back-End\Build\Scripts\main.msbuild]

The error occurs in this build-step/method:

<Target Name="SetAssemblyFileVersion">
    <!-- set correct file version -->
        <AssemblyInfoFiles Include="$(CSharpSourceDirectory)**\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    <Attrib ReadOnly="false" Files="@(AssemblyInfoFiles)" />
        <FileUpdate Files="@(AssemblyInfoFiles)" Regex="\[\s*assembly\s*:\s*AssemblyVersion\s*\(\s*&quot;[\d\.\*]+&quot;\s*\)\s*\]" ReplacementText="[assembly: AssemblyVersion(&quot;$(BuildVersion)&quot;)]" Condition=" @(AssemblyInfoFiles) != '' " />
            <FileUpdate Files="@(AssemblyInfoFiles)" Regex="\[\s*assembly\s*:\s*AssemblyFileVersion\s*\(\s*&quot;[\d\.\*]+&quot;\s*\)\s*\]" ReplacementText="[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(&quot;$(BuildVersion)&quot;)]" Condition=" @(AssemblyInfoFiles) != '' " />

I did not change my build-script and before it was working. Does anyone have any idea how to solve or debug this issue?

Thanks a lot, Jordy


  • There are high chances that its permission issue. For time being try giving full access to your @(AssemblyInfoFiles) files to everyone( If it works then you can change the security permission on that file as you want.)