I wrote the below program to fetch some rows of my database that contain information about the users whom born after 22-Jan-1963
import datetime as dt
import peewee as pw
db = pw.SqliteDatabase('people.db')
class Person(pw.Model):
name = pw.CharField()
birthday = pw.DateField(formats=['%d-%b-%Y'])
class Meta:
database = db # This model uses the "people.db" database.
bob = Person(name = 'Bob', birthday = '21-Jan-1960')
james = Person(name = 'James', birthday = '22-Jan-1965')
steve = Person(name = 'Steve', birthday = '20-Jan-1970')
alex = Person(name = 'Alex', birthday = '18-Jan-1975')
for item in Person.select().where(Person.birthday > dt.date(1963,1,22)):
print item.name,item.birthday, item.birthday > dt.date(1963,1,22)
But when I run this, output is not what I have expected (I expect James, Steve and Alex in the output):
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Bob 1960-01-21 False
James 1965-01-22 True
Steve 1970-01-20 True
Well, I replaced dt.date(1963,1,22)
with "22-Jan-1963"
in the where()
method, and now the result is:
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
James 1965-01-22 True
As you see above, it is not correct still.
What shall I do?
I absolutely do not know PeeWee, but given that Sqlite does not have a native date-time format (it mimics it as a string), you may want to try and change the date format to "%Y-%m-%d"
; this will automatically be sorted correctly as a string, which may then work for Sqlite.