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Batch file to delete files from users on network

I want the batch file to ask for Serial number and username and delete two specific folders from users profile. I made this but it seems to want to delete *.* from folder I am running it from.

@echo off

set /p serial="Enter Serial: "

set /p username="Enter Username: "

del *.* \\%serial%\C$\users\%username%\appdata\roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations
del *.* 


  • Try next approach with basic checking all user's input:

    SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
    set "serial="
    set /p "serial=Enter Serial: "
    if not defined serial goto :endlocal
    pushd "\\%serial%\C$\"
    if errorlevel 1 (
      echo wrong server name "\\%serial%"
      goto :inputServer
    set "_username="
    set /p "_username=Enter Username: "
    if not defined _username goto :endstack
    cd "\users\%_username%\appdata\roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent"
    if errorlevel 1 (
      echo wrong user name "%_username%" or path
      echo "\\%serial%\C$\users\%_username%\appdata\roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent"
      goto :inputUser
    dir AutomaticDestinations\*.*
    dir CustomDestinations\*.*

    Replace dir with del /Q no sooner than debugged.

    Resource for PUSHD - POPD pair:

    When a UNC path is specified, PUSHD will create a temporary drive map and will then use that new drive. The temporary drive letters are allocated in reverse alphabetical order, so if Z: is free it will be used first.